Monday, February 21, 2011

Let us give thanks to the Wisconsin-14

Other legislators throughout the country should take note that it may be necessary for them to take the same steps in order to preserve democracy in this country. This is the first "shot across the bow" on the war between average hard-working Americans, and big business money interests that are represented by the U.S. Supreme Court in their recently destructive "Citizens United" give away. They want it all!.....and what better way than to destroy the unions and the protection of collective bargaining.

Amplify’d from

We The People of the USA Need To Thank
The Wisconsin 14

You still can’t find a single Democratic state senator in
the entire state of Wisconsin. All 14 of them remain in
self-imposed exile in Illinois, and as long as they stay there,
they can continue to prevent passage of a highly controversial
bill that would sharply reduce benefits for teachers and other
government employees and, more importantly, gut public labor unions.
At the moment, only five states prohibit collective bargaining by
teachers and other public employees, as the map below
demonstrates. Georgia is one of the five. (Note: The right to
bargain collectively does not imply the legal right to strike in many states.)

As I've written in my last blog, What we are seeing here today is WAR. Not the blood and guts war that the Republicans would prefer but a war never-the-less on Democracy. And if We-The-People lose this war our America will never be the same.

Since SCOTUS (5/4) ruled blatantly in favor of Corporations (in the
Citizen United ruling on corporate campaign spending), by 5
conservative judges who followed their Republican political
ideologies in lockstep, against the people and for the
corporations, a plutocracy has taken shape. This ruling has
emboldened the GOP to openly oppose any democratic rules in which
we live under. If they succeed in destroying our Democracy
altogether we will find that life ruled by the wealthiest amongst
us to be much oppressed and not worth living. Think Slavery,
it’s not farfetched it’s REAL!
This is real (although it seems like it should be just a bad dream)
We-The-People are about to lose that status and become
We-The-Slaves to Corporate/Wealthy Interests. It is so obvious
but so many will deliberately refuse to see it just to prove a
point. It won't be the rich and powerful that takes us down it
will be the foolish. tb

"A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offense at everything." Aristotle

Yes, there are two Americas’ Virginia, they exist as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist. One tolerant and broadminded, the other intolerant and narrow-minded!

Sincerely, thinkingblue, from the TOLERANT AND BROADMINDED USA

PS: Joe (You Lie) Wilson, et al reside in the other America!

Monday, February 21, 2011


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