Sunday, March 20, 2011

Holy Sanctimony Batman!.its Scott Walker

Why are all these people who want to start preemptive wars in other countries and on the middle class in our own country always in direct communication with God? How come they are always so completely calm and so completely sure of themselves? Could it be that they are so completely DELUSIONAL!

Amplify’d from

"Jesus Christ? Hey Hi, Scott Walker Here."

HOLY SANCTIMONY BATMAN… It all fits together for me now… How
this idiot never seems to get upset; How he never seems to use
reason; How Stepford Wife he looks when he speaks (looking afar
as his mouth moves with emphasis on certain words)… Another
NUTBALL at the helm… If he could preempt wars… Oops, I
forgot he has… WAR ON THE MIDDLE-CLASS… It is beyond
disgusting! thinkingblue

March 09, 2011 "The Progressive" - -The dogmatic unwillingness of Wis. Gov. Scott Walker to negotiate or to compromise with Democrats or unions has surprised many people
in the state. One explanation for his attitude may be found in
his religious convictions.
In a talk to the Christian Businessmen’s Committee in
Madison on November 13, 2009, Walker, who was raised by a Baptist
preacher, spoke about his personal relationship with God, his
“walk to Christ,” and his belief in the need to
“trust and obey” the Lord.
Walker said that God has told him what to do every step of the
way, including about what jobs to take, whom to marry, and when
to run for governor.
He said he was trusting and obeying God when he took a job at IBM
and then at the Red Cross. ““Lord, if this is what you
want, I’ll try it,” he said. It was all about “trust and obey.”
Fourteen months later, at his inaugural prayer breakfast, Walker
said, “The Great Creator, no matter who you worship, is the
one from which our freedoms are derived, not the government.”
Walker’s views disturb Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of
the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
“It is frightening that the highest executive in our state
suffers from the delusion that God dictates his every move,”
she says. “Consider the personal and historic devastation
inflicted by fanatics who think they are acting in the name of
their deity.” MORE HERE

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