Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Free Trade, and the WTO is just about making rich people richer :(

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Thom's blog
American can no longer label tuna products as "dolphin safe"
If you thought our government was in charge of making laws - think again. It turns out the World Trade Organization is telling us what to do. Yesterday - the WTO took a bite out of US sovereignty - ruling that American can no longer label tuna products as "dolphin safe." Why? Because such labeling could restrict the purchase of certain foreign tuna products - thus limiting "free trade" in America.
So now with no incentive to catch dolphin-safe tuna - expect transnational corporate seafood companies around the world to go gangbusters scooping up tuna out of the ocean with no regard to what else might get trapped in their nets. The US has lost 9 out of every 10 cases in front of the WTO since joining the organization in 1995 - so where are the Tea Party protests on this important issue of sovereignty?
Oh right - their corporate founders love free trade - even though it screws America.
(Should the US stay in the WTO? Tell us here.)
Read more at campaign.r20.constantcontact.com

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